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Quantum dots (QDs) are widely studied for their superior optical properties. However, maintaining their stability requires eff ective protection against heat and moisture. This research aims to enhance the stability of QDs by embedding them in cyclic olefi n copolymer (COC). Our fi ndings show that nanocomposites containing green- and red-emitting QDs in COC exhibited enhanced transparency and dispersion when compared to those using other common polymers, such as polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) and poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA). Stability test under harsh conditions (85 °C and 85% relative humidity) confi rmed the robustness of the QDs within the COC matrix compared to the PDMS and PMMA matrices. In addition, a white-light-emitting diode (LED) device was successfully fabricated by integrating a blend of green- and red-emitting QDs in COC-based nanocomposites atop a blue LED chip. This setup demonstrated potential for use in light-emitting devices that demand high luminous effi ciency and transparency, even under extreme conditions. The study highlights the potential of COC as an alternative to traditional polymers, enhancing the performance and durability in display technologies.