초록 열기/닫기 버튼
Perovskite materials are used as the core active layer in a variety of devices, including solar cells and radiation detectors, and the performance of these devices is strongly infl uenced by the thickness of the perovskite active layer. This study compares the performance of photovoltaic cells and radiation detectors with the same device architecture but diff erent perovskite active layer thicknesses. For perovskite solar cells, the power conversion effi ciency (PCE) tends to increase with increasing active layer thickness and then decreases beyond a certain limit. On the other hand, the X-ray response characteristics of perovskite X-ray detectors tend to increase continuously with increasing active layer thickness. This means that the collections of total charges generated by photon or radiation are diff erent, and their collection/recombination mechanisms of the charges generated in the perovskite active layer of each device are diff erent. To realize effi cient perovskite-based electro-optical devices, optimization of the device architecture, including the active layer thickness, is essential, and this work aims to provide a direction for the development of X-ray detectors in n-i-p device structures.