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This study examined the pathways of perceived stress, online communication, self-injurious behavior, and suicidal tendencies in teens. The conclusions and discussions are as follows. First, adolescents' perceived stress had a positive effect on online communication and self-injurious behavior. In addition, online communication had a negative effect on self-injurious behavior. Online communication was partially mediated in the relationship between perceived stress and self-injurious behaviors in adolescents. Second, adolescents' perceived stress had a positive effect on online communication and suicidal tendencies. In addition, online communication had a positive effect on suicidal tendencies. The relationship between perceived stress and suicidal tendencies in adolescents was partially mediated by online communication. Adolescents can experience stress on a daily basis, and healthy online and offline communication can help reduce self-injurious behaviors. In situations of negative stress that lead to suicidal tendencies, we try to communicate online, but this does not help suicidal tendencies. In conclusion, it is necessary for oneself and those around him to be aware of the stress of adolescents. Psychological and social support is needed to prevent adolescents from developing problematic behaviors such as self-injurious behaviors and suicidal tendencies through healthy online and offline communication in stressful situations. At home and at school, not only daily life guidance and counseling, but also a healthier environment for online communication should be created.