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BTRC (basalt textile reinforced concrete) is used to provide strong reinforcement to masonry structures. Good interfacialbonding, particularly at the BTRC matrix-masonry (B-M) and basalt textile-matrix (T-M) interfaces, is crucial for achievinga strong reinforcing effect. The topic of how to ensure the bond of the two interfaces before the textile is destroyed has notyet been addressed. This work investigates the interfacial bonding properties of BTRC reinforced brick masonry throughdouble-sided shear and single-sided shear tensile tests. The results show that: the shear strength of the B-M interface initiallyincreases and then remains constant with bond length; the mortar joint grooving treatment can effectively improve theinterface shear strength; the interfacial agent can effectively improve the interfacial bonding performance, and the effectof cement expansion slurry is better. For the T-M interface, the bond strength increases and then remains constant withbond length; the meridional fiber bundle facilitates interfacial bonding. The experimental results were used to analyze theinterfacial bonding mechanism. As a result, the B-M dual-interface-multilayer zone transition bonding model was proposed,along with the minimum bonding length and its calculation method. It can provide a theoretical basis for setting the TRCbond or anchor length in the project and prevent the TRC from being pre-destructed and losing its reinforcing effect.