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Autogenous healing material remains a type of exclusive material with the structural capacity to repair mechanical wear andtear over time. Environmentally sustainable autogenous healing materials with lower carbon content are in peak demandacross the globe. The investigation was carried out on the immobilization of Bacillus bacteria (megaterium, subtilis) whichmade a novel bacterium for self-healing concrete. The pH values and temperature are maintained at 4, 7, 10, and 25 °Cto 34 °C upon bacterial cultivation, respectively. Clay pellets were used to immobilize the most prominent and positivesustainingbacteria at 32 °C. The clay pellets are well-shaped and dried to develop efficiency better than wet clay pellets. Those immobilized bacteria in clay pellets are diversified into the concrete and the results are compared to concrete withimmobilized bacteria in silica gel. The strength parameters are assessed through compression, tension, and flexure tests aswell as water absorption test. Sorptivity analysis ensures the durability of concrete. The crack healing efficiency of potentialbacteria is finally found and satisfying. The characterization of clay pellets and bacterial concrete ensures the precipitationproduced by the novel bacterium under a favorable methodology. The bacterial concrete integrated with clay pellets with 105cells/mg-1 produces promising results in all the scales, pre-and post-cracking. Decisively, the catalyst quickly reacted efficientlyand prevented the crack from spreading further.