초록 열기/닫기 버튼
This study aims to describe the distribution and meaning of “-었어서(-eosseoseo)” in Korean language. To this end, we first examined the distribution of “-었어서(-eosseoseo)” based on corpus data and then explained the motivation behind its usage. The distribution of “-었어서(-eosseoseo)” is influenced by the inherent meaning of “-어서(-eoseo)” and the lexical aspect of the predicate with which “-어서(-eoseo)” combines. When “-어서(-eoseo),” used to indicate “reason/cause,” combines with predicates that have a [-telic] lexical feature, “-었-(-eoss-)” can be added to “-어서(-eoseo)”. At this point, “-었-(-eoss-)” is used with the motivation to clarify the tense of the preceding clause. Essentially, “-었어서(-eosseoseo)” conveys the aspectual meaning of [disconnected past experience]. When the “-었-(-eoss-)” in “-었어서(-eosseoseo)” is interpreted in absolute tense, it denotes [a past experience disconnected from the present]. When interpreted in relative tense, it indicates [a past experience disconnected from the event in the following clause].
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
-eosseoseo, connective ending, aspectual meaning, lexical aspect, grammatical acceptability