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Objectives: This study retrospectively evaluated the effects of Gamitaeeumjowee-tang on weight reduction and adverse events in patients with gout or hyperuricemia while also investigating its influence on gout attacks during weight loss process. Methods: This study included adults with obesity and gout or hyperuricemia from N Korean medicine clinic, who completed a 12-week weight loss program with Gamitaeeumjowee-tang from January 1, 2017, to January 31, 2024. Weight changes and adverse reactions were monitored and analyzed using Inbody 370 and BSM 330, and statistical analyses were performed in R 4.3.2 with significance set at P<0.05. Sensitivity analyses compared outcomes between the entire group and the subgroup with final weight measurements, as well as between the entire group and the subgroup taking the tablet form of the medication. Results: A total of 53 patients were included, with a mean±standard deviation (SD) age of 41.66±8.91 years, weight of 99.62±17.16 kg, and body mass index of 32.77±5.41 kg/m2; 92.45% were male. The mean±SD weight loss was 8.63±4.41 kg and the mean weight loss rate was 8.66±3.80%. Notably, 84.91% of patients lost at least 5% of their weight, and 33.96% lost 10%. Gout attacks occurred in 2 cases (1.94%) unlikely linked to the medication. No serious adverse events were reported. Conclusions: Losing about 8.66% of initial body weight over 12 weeks while taking Gamitaeeumjowee-tang appeared to be safe for adults with obesity and gout. Further studies in control groups and blood test results are needed.