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This study conducted an Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) of indoor and outdoor spaces in neighborhood facilities within apartment complexes using Post Occupancy Evaluation (POE). It compared results across different floor areas and land factors based on 1,001 survey responses collected from 2021 to 2023, ultimately analyzing 295 relevant responses representing 159 buildings. The findings revealed that spatial satisfaction was higher in buildings with total floor areas below 2,000㎡ or above 5,000㎡, featuring one access road with a ‘Gwangro’ width and one-way traffic. Additionally, significant differences in planning evaluation indices were noted based on size and site elements, with no common items identified across all floor area categories. While all categories included "exterior common space" in the 'Concentrate Here' area, other urgent improvement items varied. The study confirmed that real-time surveys and analyses on an online platform can effectively utilize POE as a decision support tool for enhancing resident satisfaction during the early design stages or in design education.
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Apartment Complex, Neighborhood Facilities, POE, IPA, Priorities