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This study empirically analyzed the needs of adults for university learning communities and explored the significance of their experiences in such activities. To this end, a survey was conducted with students from two universities with specialized colleges for adult learners, and data from 119 respondents were analyzed for differences. The results of the analysis showed that adult learners who work and study at the same time had a statistically significant higher awareness of community activities within universities, but the willingness of all respondents to participate in learn ing communities was relatively low. Next, keyword analysis using text mining techniques was conducted on the Collection of Best Practices of University Lifelong Education published by the National Institute for Lifelong Education from 2019 to 2022. The analysis revealed high occurrence frequencies of terms such as ‘book’, ‘major’, ‘vacation’, ‘certificate’, ‘goal’, and ‘sharing’, while the word network showed strong connections between ‘major’, ‘certificate’, ‘book’, and ‘we’. Based on this, it was confirmed that adult learners’ participation in university learning communities can lead to not only academic achievement but also positive perceptions of university life. However, it was found that the employment status of adult learners can act as a barrier to participation in learning communities. This suggests that universities need to prepare customized learning community operation and support plans according to the characteristics of adult learners.