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The aim of this paper is to analyze the subadjacent condition in WH-movement and specify the bounding nodes in Arabic sentence. The subadjacent condition are one of the local constraints which are related to the bounding nodes. According to the subadjacent condition, the bounding nodes play a role of constraint on the transformations in the sentence. It means that the bounding nodes prohibit the long-distant movement of the sentential constituents. In other words, the sentential constituents are not accepted to move from a source place to a destination place over two bounding nodes. To accomplish this aim, this paper specifies the bounding nodes in WH-movement because the bounding nodes limit the movement of WH-phrases. The bounding nodes are different from language to language. For example, the bounding nodes in English are noun phrase and sentence whereas Arabic concludes noun phrase, prepositional phrase, and sentence. Therefore, WH-movement is not accepted beyond the two bounding nodes. However, the verbs named the bridging verbs which conveys the meaning of possibility, duty, hope, thought permit WH-movement through the complementizer in the cyclic mode. Finally, the purpose of this paper is focused on the confirmation of the universal properties of subadjacent condition in Arabic sentence, and the specification of the parameters of the bounding nodes in Arabic sentence.