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우리나라는 2025년까지 초고령사회로 진입할 예정이고, 고령인구에 대한 젊은 세대의 부양의무 가중과 낮은 취업률 등은 세대간 갈등을 부추겨 사회적 불안 요소로 작용할 것이 예견되고 있다. 고령사회로 인한 사회적 문제의 해결방안 중 하나로 고령층을 위한 산업 육성 및 젊은 층의 일자리 창출을 제시할 수 있으며, 이 일환으로 고령친화산업의 육성에 대해 규정하고 있는 「고령친화산업 진흥법」의 개정에 대해 논의하고자 한다. 현재 「고령친화산업 진흥법」은 고령친화서비스의 우수사업자 인증과 관련된 내용이 삭제되어 있어 이들에 대한 지원 규정이 미비한 상태이다. 고령친화서비스 제공업자 지원을 위한 인증제도 도입 및 지원책을 법제화하는 방안을 모색하는 것이 이 논문의 목적이다. 이를 위해 국내외 정책 및 법제 현황을 살펴보고, 고령친화서비스에 관한 조문을 법제화 필요성에 대해 논의하였다. 디지털을 활용한 고령자에 대한 서비스 제공이라는 신사업 분야를 포함하여 고령친화서비스 부분을 지원하고 규율하기 위해서는 「고령친화산업 진흥법」의 개정이 더 적절하다는 결론을 내리고 고령친화서비스 사업자의 지원을 위한 인증제도를 도입하는 방안과 그 기준을 제시하였다.
Korea is planning to enter a super-aged society by 2025, and the increasing obligation of the younger generation to support the elderly population and the low employment rate are expected to act as social instability factors by fueling generational conflict. As one of the solutions to social problems caused by an aging society, it is possible to suggest fostering industries for the elderly and creating jobs for young people, and as part of this, we will discuss the revision of the "Aged-Friendly Industry Promotion Act", which stipulates the promotion of elderly-friendly industries. Currently, the "Aged-Friendly Industry Promotion Act" has deleted the contents related to the designation of excellent business operators for elderly-friendly services, so support regulations for them are insufficient. The purpose of this paper is to introduce a certification system to support elderly-friendly service providers and to find a way to legislate support measures. To this end, we looked at the current status of domestic and foreign policies and legislation, and discussed the necessity of legislating provisions on elderly-friendly services. It was concluded that the revision of the "Aged-Friendly Industry Promotion Act" is more appropriate to support and regulate the elderly-friendly service sector, including a new business field of providing services to the elderly using digital. Products and services, which are currently included and defined as "senior-friendly products, etc." in Article 2, No. 1, should be defined separately, and furthermore, it is necessary to divide the chapters on products and services to stipulate support and quality improvement. In addition, in the definition regulations, information device services for the elderly need to be revised to information and communication and digital technologies for the elderly and services using them. For 'certification', which is used as a means of technology regulation, the purpose of legislation should be clarified and applied. In other words, considering that 'regulation by technology' is the main purpose, the selection criteria should be simplified and defined for the purpose of selecting and supporting business operators.
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Aged-Friendly Service, Aged-Friendly Industry Act, Aged-Friendly Support, Technology Regulation, Certification