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본 연구는 장애아통합어린이집에서의 보육실습 경험이 예비유아교사들에게 어떤 의미를 담고 있는지 질적연 구방법을 통해 분석해보고자 하였다. 이를 위해 장애아통합어린이집에서 보육실습을 마친 예비유아교사 12명을 대상으로 2024년 9월 23일에서 10월 7일까지 대면 또는 온라인 화상으로 개별과 집단 면담을 실시하였다. 연 구결과 예비유아교사들에게 장애아통합어린이집에서의 보육실습 경험은 3가지 측면에서 의미화될 수 있었다. ‘혼란과 갈등’, ‘장애아통합어린이집 보육실습의 가치’, ‘장애아통합어린이집 보육실습에 대한 개선 요구’였다. 예 비유아교사들의 혼란과 갈등은 ‘함께와 혼자’, ‘방해와 배려’, ‘물리적 제지와 아동학대’, ‘유아중심과 교사중심’이 라는 4가지 키워드로 명명할 수 있었다. 예비유아교사들이 인식한 보육실습의 가치는 ‘특별한 감동과 더 큰 보 람’, ‘일석이조의 배움’, ‘인격적 성숙’이었다. 마지막으로 더욱 의미 있는 배움의 보육실습이 되기 위한 요구들이 분석되었는데, ‘장애통합 관련 적극적인 실습 경험’, ‘장애통합 관련 실습 사전준비’, ‘실질적인 장애전담교사 지 원’으로 대표할 수 있었다. 본 연구결과는 장애아통합어린이집 보육실습을 위한 대학의 보육실습 운영의 내실화 및 장애아통합교육의 질적 개선을 위한 교사양성 방안을 마련하는 데 기초 자료로 제공될 수 있을 것이다.
This study attempted to analyze through qualitative research methods what meaning the childcare training experience at an integrated daycare center for children with disabilities means to prospective early childhood teachers. For this purpose, individual and group interviews were conducted face-to-face or online via video from September 23 to October 7, 2024 with 12 prospective early childhood teachers who completed childcare training at an integrated daycare center for children with disabilities. As a result of the study, the experience of childcare practice at an integrated daycare center for children with disabilities could be meaningful to prospective early childhood teachers in three aspects. It was ‘confusion and conflict’, ‘The value of childcare training at an integrated daycare center for children with disabilities’, and ‘Demand for improvement in childcare training at integrated daycare centers for children with disabilities’. The confusion and conflict of prospective early childhood teachers could be named with four keywords: ‘together and alone’, ‘interference and consideration’, ‘physical restraint and child abuse’, and ‘child-centered and teacher-centered’. The values of childcare training recognized by prospective early childhood teachers were ‘special emotion and greater reward,’ ‘learning to kill two birds with one stone,’ and ‘personal maturity.’ Lastly, the demands for becoming a more meaningful learning childcare practice were analyzed, which could be represented as ‘active practice experience related to disability integration’, ‘preparation for practice related to disability integration’, and ‘practical support for teachers specializing in disabilities’. The results of this study can be provided as basic data for strengthening the university's child care practice operation for integrated day care centers for children with disabilities and preparing teacher training plans to improve the quality of integrated education for children with disabilities.
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Prospective Early Childhood Teacher, Integrated Daycare Center for Disabled Children, Childcare Training