초록 열기/닫기 버튼
Focusing on the publications of Chinese international students who studied at Hokkaido Imperial University in the early 20th century, this study attempts to find out how the ‘Enlightenment habitus’ of intellectuals who studied in Japan in modern China was reproduced in the ‘Field’ of the mass media. To try to interpret it based on Pierre Bourdieu's sociological theoretical framework, the collective practice in which the intellectual class of modern China enlightened their people through the mass media can be interpreted as an expression of habitus, and their publishing behavior can be interpreted as a reproduction of habitus. In the early 20th century, translations played an important role in the mass media of modern Chinese society, and Chinese students at Hokkaido Imperial University contributed to the enlightenment of their people's thoughts by converting modern knowledge and ideas into their own language and cultural context. In this process, the ‘Field’ of the translation as a sub-field of the mass media was organically combined with various academic ‘Fields’ to influence each other. In addition, their ‘Enlightenment habitus’ was reproduced through ‘Distinction’ through the act of writing books in the ‘Field’ of the mass media. Those who returned home with experience studying abroad attempted to ‘Distinguish’ from the public through the mass media, which is more evident in the ‘Field’ of written books than in the ‘Field’ of translations. Therefore, in modern Chinese society, mass media served as a platform for the intellectual class to enlighten their citizens, which was not merely a means of information provision but an important ‘Field’ for re-establishing social class distinctions and reproducing the intellectual class.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Early 20th Century, Chinese International Students in Japan, Pierre Bourdieu, Field, Habitus