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The system of Myeonbok (the ritual costume of emperors and kings), centered on the twelve insignia pattern, is usually understood to have been institutionalized during the Later Han period. The twelve insignia pattern can usually be divided into celestial beings, beings that mediate heaven and earth, and beings that support or constitute terrestrial civilization. Elements related to terrestrial civilization are bronze bowls, water plants, flames, rice grains, axes, and bow patterns. Among the twelve insignia pattern, the bow pattern seems to be less related to specific objects. The twelve insignia pattern has been steadily refined and standardized since institutionalization. Ancient and medieval Korea maintained its participation in the international community in East Asia by receiving and actively utilizing Myeonbok from the empire that occupied mainland China. However, in the mid-to-late Joseon Dynasty, the system of Myeonbok also went through the process of mainlandization and abolished the system of Myeonbok in the Qing Empire, so the self-made Myeonbok in Joseon was further utilized. During the establishment of the Korean Empire, the monarch of Joseon declared an empire and adopted the emperor's robes called the court dress of the twelve insignia(Shibijangbok). The national movement's the National Flower(Mugunghwa), National flag(Taegeukgi), the religious flag(Gungeulgi) of Cheondogyo, and the Dong-A Ilbo's Emblem are considered symbols that reveal long-term independence and modernization. When the days of hardship were gone and the era of construction has come, various countries in Northeast Asia showed different modernization strategies. Although there were differences in degree and timing in each country, all of them opened their eyes to the discovery and rediscovery of the value of traditions, and the modern use of traditional culture. Among them, Korea re-recognized the value of traditional culture and showed a leading interest in the modern use of traditional culture. The Northeast Asian History Foundation was established in 2006 as a specialized institution dealing with historical issues. The emblem of the Northeast Asian History Foundation is the shape of the character 亞(A) pattern or the bow pattern and can be called the ‘Northeast Asian pattern’.