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The South Korean Ministry of Education announced the 2022 Revised National Curriculum (RNC), updating the previous 2015 version. The 2022 RNC aims to introduce tailored curricula for each school level, enhance school autonomy, and streamline class numbers, preparing for the future high school credit system. Set to be fully implemented in 2025, it is crucial to understand the design and delivery of subject modules for effective educational operation. This paper examines and compares the high school Japanese curriculum under both the 2015 and 2022 RNCs, focusing on key amendments, additions, overall direction, and potential issues. This paper analyzes changes and developments in the Japanese curriculum in South Korea, comparing the structures set by the Ministry of Education in 2015 and 2022. The focus is on the newly introduced modules, "Japanese Conversation" and "Japanese Culture," and how content has been separated from existing modules. One key finding is that the Japanese subject has been revised nine times, with an increase in the number of subject modules, despite a reduction in class time. The 2022 Revised National Curriculum (RNC) aims to enhance step-by-step learning by establishing independent objectives and measurable achievement standards for each module, along with additional learning goals. It also emphasizes the need for teachers to develop customized learning tools and teaching methods for their classrooms. While the 2022 RNC increases the required vocabulary and communication phrases across modules, it lacks vocabulary relevant to digital media use, which suggests further revisions are necessary.