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목적: 본 연구는 우세안에 10%의 부등상을 유발한 상태에서, 대비감도, 입체시, 조절용이성, 폭주근점을 측정하고안구운동과 독서 능력, 주시데이터를 정량적으로 평가하고자 하였다. 방법: 교정시력이 양안 1.0 이상인 20대 성인 남녀 40명을 대상으로 하였다. 완전 교정한 후 우세안에 10% 부등상 유발렌즈를 가입하고, 40 cm 거리에서 대비감도(Adult Near Contrast Test #587700), 입체시(Titmus fly test), 조절용이성(±2.00 D 플리퍼), 폭주근점을 측정하였다. 안구운동과 독서 능력 평가는 아이트래커를 이용하여 측정하였다. 피검자와 디스플레이거리는 70 cm로 두었고, 주시 횟수, 주시시간, 평균주시시간, 홱보기 수, 홱보기 폭, 눈 깜빡임 및 동공크기를 측정하였다. 독서 능력은 총 읽기 시간과 독서오류를 측정하였다. 결과: 등상시와 10% 유발부등상시 상태에서 대비감도가 25, 5, 2.5%에서 유의하게 감소하였다(p<0.050). 입체시, 조절용이성, 폭주근점 모두 유발부등상시 때에 유의하게 증가 및 감소하였다(p<0.050). 안구 운동 변수 중주시 횟수만 유발부등상시에 유의하게 증가되었다(p<0.050). 결론: 안구 운동 평가에서는 주시, 독서오류가 유의하게 증가하였다. 10% 유발부등상시는 독서 능력을 저하시키는 것으로 나타났다. 향후 연구에서는 자각적으로 느끼는 독서 어려움에 대한 설문이 필요할 것으로 사료된다.
Purpose : This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a 10% aniseikonia induced in the dominant eye on contrast sensitivity, stereopsis, accommodative facility, and near point of convergence (NPC). Additionally, it sought to quantitatively assess eye movements, reading ability, and gaze data. Methods : The study involved 40 male and female adults in their 20s with binocular corrected visual acuity of 1.0 or better. After full refractive correction, a 10% aniseikonia-inducing lens was applied to the dominant eye. Measurements were taken at a distance of 40 cm, including contrast sensitivity (Adult Near Contrast Test #587700), stereopsis (Titmus Fly Test), accommodative facility (2.00 D flipper), and NPC. Eye movements and reading ability were evaluated using an eye tracker. Results : Contrast sensitivity was significantly reduced at 25, 5, and 2.5% in the isometropic and 10% induced anisometropic conditions (p<0.050). Stereoacuity, accommodative flexibility, and runaway muscle points were all significantly increased and decreased during induced anisometropia (p<0.050). Of the eye movement variables, only gaze frequency was significantly increased (p<0.050) during the induced inequality phase. For reading performance, reading time increased but was not significant, and both X-axis and Y-axis errors increased significantly. The number of eye movements per interval increased significantly from 100 to 800 ms. Conclusion : Eye movement assessments indicated significant increases in fixation and reading errors. The 10% induced aniseikonia condition was found to impair reading ability. In follow-up studies should include surveys to assess the subjective experience of reading difficulties.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Accommodative facility, Contrast sensitivity, Induced aniseikonia, Npc, Reading ability, Stereopsis