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Objectives: To identify areas for improvement in the drug advertisement guidelines and review regulations. Methods: Expert opinions was collected from individuals who have served as members of drug advertisement review committees. This study focused on two areas: opinions on the necessity for improvement by types of inappropriate advertisement specified in the guidelines for drug advertisement and the possibility of allowance by unpermitted advertisement expressions presented in the detailed review regulations for drug advertisement. Results: Regarding the types of advertisement outlined in the guidelines, “advertisement with citation of literature” was identified as the most in need of improvement. In the detailed review regulations, there was a consensus that expressions such as “chronic” rhinitis and “cooling effect from menthol added to patches” require permission, with the highest agreement (7 respondents, 46.7%). Furthermore, when consolidating specific opinions on the possibility of allowance, it was noted that permission might be granted with clear evidence and if expressions are perceived as common by consumers. Conclusions: The findings could serve as valuable reference material for future revisions of the drug advertisement guideline and review regulations.