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Because of their high torque transmission capabilities, precision alignment, and ease of assembly, curvic couplings are commonly used in aircraft gas turbine engines. However, the discontinuous nature of curvic couplings can reduce rotor stiffness, thus affecting the dynamic behavior of the rotor system. To incorporate the unique characteristics of curvic couplings in a one-dimensional (1D) dynamic analysis model, we derive a bending equation for a beam by modeling two shafts with curvic couplings as a stepped cantilever beam. We then evaluate the equivalent elastic modulus of the curvic couplings by calculating the beam's deflection using three-dimensional (3D) finite element analysis and substituting this value into the derived beam equation. The evaluated equivalent elastic modulus is then applied to the curvic couplings as material properties in the 1D dynamic analysis model. To further improve the accuracy of the 1D model, we conduct a 3D finite element analysis. Finally, we perform modal tests on a physical rotor system to validate the analytical models, comparing the test results with the analytically predicted outcomes. The strong correlation between the test results and analytical predictions demonstrates the reliability of the proposed method for predicting the dynamic behavior of tie-rod fastened rotors with curvic couplings.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Curvic coupling, Equivalent elastic modulus, Gas turbine engine, Tie-rod fastened rotor, Modal analysis