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This study aimed to explore the perceived definition, perceptions, and preferences of “vegan leather” among Korean consumers. An in-depth survey was conducted among Korean women in their 20s-50s. The self-assessed perception level of vegan fashion or vegan leather was lower than that of vegan in general and higher among those in their 50s than those in their 30s. Over 50% of respondents defined vegan leather as leather from plant materials, while 40% viewed it as including all types of alternative leathers, such as faux and synthetic options. However, a notable 57.6% of participants showed confusion, failing to distinguish between several provided definitions of vegan leather and demonstrating inconsistency in their subsequent responses. The study also explored factors influencing consumer preferences for different types of leather. The most decisive factors were ethical considerations regarding animal welfare and environmental impact, while the sensory qualities of faux leather largely drove negative sentiments. The results of the study provide insights significant for the development process of alternative leather materials and emphasize the importance of social agreement in a consistent definition of vegan leather.