초록 열기/닫기 버튼
This study analyzes the labor movement developed by Korean socialistsin Japan in the early 1920s, focusing on the Tokyo and Osaka KoreanLabor League. Its primary purpose is to clarify what kind of conceptionsthese socialists had when forming labor organizations, and what sort ofmovement they carried out through them. Specifically, it examines thebackground under which socialist Kim Yak-su and his colleagues establishedthe Labor League between the second half of 1922 and the second half of1924, their activities, and their relationships with other labor organizations. As a result, it became clear that they aimed to build a federation unitingKorean workers in both Korea and Japan, using this as a means tosupport the founding and activities of a unified Korean Communist Party. In addition, they cooperated with Japanese socialist and labor movements,seeking to eventually form a unified proletarian front in the Far East. Furthermore, despite police suppression and restraint from other socialists,it was confirmed that members of the Tokyo and Osaka Korean Labor League consistently participated in this movement across the boundaries ofKorea and Japan. Based on these findings, this study reconsiders the traditionalassessment that the labor movement mediated through the Labor Leagueled by Kim Yak-su Group was merely short-lived and failed to garnersupport from its members.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Tokyo Korean Labor League, Osaka Korean Labor League, Pukseonghoe, Kim Yak-su, Lee Heon, Song Jang-bok