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眞一齋 柳崇祖의 『大學箴』은 陽村 權近의 『入學圖說』로부터 큰 영향을 받았고, 그의 『性理淵源撮要』는 林隱 程復心의 『四書章圖』 등을 활용하였다. 朱子學에서는 ‘心’이 공시적으로는 理와 氣로 구성되어 있고 통시적으로는 性과 情을 아우른다고 설명한다. 진일재는 사람의 心만이 가진 특징을 특별히 明德이라고 부르는 주자의 관점을 계승하였다. 心이 性(理)과 氣質(氣)로 이루어졌다고 할 때 사람의 명덕을 이루는 그 기질에는 다른 생명체와는 구별되는 고유의 공통성이 존재한다. 사람 사이에 기질은 차이도 있어서 명덕의 상태가 동일하지는 않지만 명덕이라는 점에서 동일하다. 그는 나아가 성을 本然之性과 氣質之性으로 나누는 관점을 부각시켜 四端의 근원을 본연지성으로 보고 七情의 뿌리를 기질지성으로 보는 관점을 형성하였다. 그는 사단과 칠정을 모두 理와 氣를 결합한 방식으로 설명하기도 하였다. 진일재의 학문체계는 성균관 교육을 통해 후세에 주자학의 상식적 관점을 형성하는 데 큰 기여를 하였고 退溪의 사단칠정론에 일정한 영향이 있었을 것으로 보인다.
Yu Sung-jo’s Daehakjam was greatly influenced by Kwon-Geun’s Iphak doseol, and his Seongli yeonwon chwaryo actively utilized Cheng Fuxin’s Sishu zhangtu, etc. In Zhuzi, the heart-mind is synchronically explained to be composed of li and qi and diachronically encompasses xing and qing. Yu Sung-jo understood heart-mind in the perspective of mingde 明德 as a whole, meaning that the heart-mind in reality is only a state that has not fully maintained its mingde, and its essence is the same as mingde. All living beings have heart-mind, but the characteristics of the human mind are specifically called mingde. The heaven is composed of li and qi, and all things created by the heaven is originally composed of the same li and qi, and among them, the heart-mind of human is more clever than any other, and xuling bumei 虛靈不昧 that only human possesses is called mingde, which is also called benxin. When it is said that the heart-mind is composed of xing and qizhi, there is an inherent commonality in the disposition that constitutes human’s mingde that distinguishes it from other living beings. However, qizhi of each person is different, and thus the state of mingde varies greatly. Yu Sung-jo emphasized the view of dividing xing into benranzhixing 本然之性 and qizhizhixing 氣質之性, and established the theory that the origin of the Four Sprouts is benranzhixing and the origin of the Seven Emotions is qizhizhixing. Yu Sung-jo also established a way of explaining both the Four Sprouts and the Seven Emotions in a way that combines li and qi. Yu Sung-jo’s academic system contributed greatly to shaping the common sense view of Zhuzi in later generations through the education at Sungkyunkwan, and may have had some influence on Toegye’s theory of Four Sprouts and Seven Emotions.
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Yu Sung-jo, Zhuzi, mingde, benranzhixing and qizhizhixing, Four Sprouts and Seven Emotions