초록 열기/닫기 버튼
Objectives : The object of this study is to investigate the balance/imbalance of skin capacitances between left and right meridians, and to analyze the change patterns of electric energy on meridians with the lapse of time. Method : Electric potential was measured on five source points (LU9, PC7, HT7, LI4, SI4) bilaterally for 4 hours. The energy balance/imbalance between left and right was investigated, and the change patterns with time were analyzed. Results and Conclusions : The amplitude of meridian energy on five source points and the energy balance/imbalance between left and right were varied in each individual. When a source point showed a balanced meridian energy bilaterally, the change patterns of meridian energy with time were simillar between left and right. While, when it showed an imbalanced energy between left and right, the change patterns of meridian energy were also different between left and right. Through this study, we proposed a new diagnostic method of meridian energy.
Objectives : The object of this study is to investigate the balance/imbalance of skin capacitances between left and right meridians, and to analyze the change patterns of electric energy on meridians with the lapse of time. Method : Electric potential was measured on five source points (LU9, PC7, HT7, LI4, SI4) bilaterally for 4 hours. The energy balance/imbalance between left and right was investigated, and the change patterns with time were analyzed. Results and Conclusions : The amplitude of meridian energy on five source points and the energy balance/imbalance between left and right were varied in each individual. When a source point showed a balanced meridian energy bilaterally, the change patterns of meridian energy with time were simillar between left and right. While, when it showed an imbalanced energy between left and right, the change patterns of meridian energy were also different between left and right. Through this study, we proposed a new diagnostic method of meridian energy.