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The purpose of this paper is to deal with the issue of whether it is possible to incorporate metonymy into the framework of conceptual blending theory. It is usually claimed in cognitive linguistics that metonymy is a cognitive process in which one element provides mental access to another element in the same ICM (Idealized Cognitive Model). And conceptual blending theory posits the four-space network consisting of two input spaces, the generic space, and the blended space. At first glance, metonymy seems to be incompatible with conceptual blending theory. Here I will show two ways for metonymy to operate in conceptual blending. The first is the way metonymy operates within one input space, and the second is the way metonymy operates between two input spaces. Especially, for the second way, I will show the first discussion of metonymy in terms of conceptual blending theory by Coulson & Oakley (2003) and the discussion of the relationship of metonymy and conceptual blending at the neural level by Bierwiaczonek (2013).