초록 열기/닫기 버튼
Since Mongol had the first contact with Goryeo, it had strongly demanded the fulfillment of six duties(六事) and transfer of the capital(出陸還都) following its unique foreign policy. However, Goryeo regarded the amity between the two countries as a traditional relation of submission to the stronger(事大), so didn't implement the demand faithfully. This discrepancy between the two nations regarding a friendly relation played a main role in the outbreak of wars for a long time. Right after ascending the throne, Khubilai resumed amity with Goryeo and adopted a conciliatory policy of accepting holding on to traditions and custom without changes(不改土風) and different demands. Guaranteeing it was imitating the policy of maintenance of tradition and custom of the governed country(本俗主義) unique to Mongol, and the conciliatory policy was also a temporary strategy in order to stabilize his back with conflicts for accession ahead. Therefore, after he won in the civil war, he succeeded the foreign policy of the preceding regimes and made Goryeo fulfill six duties and transfer of the capital. The two nations established a diplomatic relation using the method of installation(冊封) and tribute(朝貢). While nonintervention had been observed as an important principle in the preceding relation of installation and tribute between Korea and China, kings of Goryeo were completely subordinate to Mongol Qa’an, and its political autonomy was damaged a lot. This way, the relation between the two countries was inconsistent with the general features of the relation of installation and tribute, so cannot be included in that category.
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
Khubilai, Mongol, Goryeo, Chinese law, Six duties, Maintenance of tradition and custom of the governed country, Installation and tribute
忽必烈, 蒙古, 高丽, 汉法, 六事, 本俗主义, 册封ㆍ朝贡