초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This study explores ways to improve current Korean-English dictionaries as productive dictionaries. According to the typology of dictionaries, the Korean-English dictionary assumes dual functions: As a receptive dictionary for English native speakers, and as a productive dictionary for Korean native speakers. Through the history of Korean-English dictionaries, they were at first developed by foreign missionaries in Korea solely for the purpose of helping foreigners understand Korean words, and the trend lasted until the 1960s. The same lexicographical practice has been adopted by Korean-English dictionaries aimed at the productive use by Koreans, which has led to wide dissatisfaction among Korean users. This study critically looks into the macro- and micro-structures of Korean-English dictionaries to suggest feasible remedies to make the dictionaries more suitable for Koreans' productive use in terms of selection of headwords, sense divisions, meaning discriminations, and equivalents.