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본 연구의 목적은 학원엘리트스포츠 선수들의 불법 스포츠도박에 관한 실태를 파악하고, 이를 토대로 향후 과제를 제시하는 것이다. 이를 위해 연구대상은 편의표본추출법을 이용하여 D광역시에 소재한 체육고등학교 및 배구, 야구, 축구, 농구에 참가하고 있는 중·고등학교 선수들 총 476명을 유효표본으로 선정하였다. 자료는 PASW 18.0을 이용하여 빈도분석과 교차분석을 실시하였다. 도출된 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 스포츠토토에 대한 인식에서 ‘알고 있다’ 69.7%, ‘모른다’ 30.3%로 나타났으며, 스포츠토토 구입경험은 ‘없다’ 95.8%, ‘있다’ 4.3%로 나타났다. 불법 스포츠도박에 대해 ‘알고 있다’ 58%, ‘모른다’ 42%, 불법 스포츠도박 사이트 접속 경험은 ‘없다’ 96.6%, ‘있다’ 3.4%인 것으로 나타났다. 스포츠토토와 불법 스포츠도박과의 차이에 대해서는 ‘알고 있다’ 59.9%, ‘모른다’ 40.1%인 것으로 나타났다. 불법 스포츠도박 심각성에 대해서는 ‘심각하다’ 77.7%, ‘심각하지 않다’ 22.3%, 받는 처벌에 대해서는 ‘모른다’ 69.1%, ‘알고 있다’ 30.9%로 나타났다. 불법 스포츠도박 참여에 대한 인식에서는 ‘절대로 해서는 안된다’ 50.4%, ‘잘 모르겠다’ 31.5%, ‘선수생활 후 해도 된다’ 15.4%, ‘들키지 않는다면 해도 된다’ 2.7%로 나타났다. 둘째, 향후 과제로는 스포츠 윤리교육의 정기화와 내용의 개선, 윤리의식 측정 도구의 개발과 Feedback 체제 구축, 소통 캠페인 전개를 제시하였다.

The purpose of this study is to investigate the actual conditions of illegal sports gambling by Korean school elite sports athletes and suggest to task based on them. In this study, 476 elite athletes participating in volleyball, baseball, soccer, and basketball in Athletic high school in D city were selected as valid samples by using convenient sampling method. The result were as follow. In the recognition of Sports Toto, 69.7% of the respondents said ‘know it’, and 30.3% of them said ‘don’t know it’. And 95.8% of the respondents said ‘they had no experience purchasing Sports Toto’ and 4.3% ‘they did’. 58% of the respondents said ‘they know illegal sports gambling’, 42% said ‘don’t know’. 96.6% said ‘they have never had access to illegal sports gambling sites’, and 3.4% said ‘they have had access to illegal sports betting sites’. 59.9% of the respondents said ‘they know the difference between Sports Toto and illegal sports betting’, and 40.1% said ‘don’t know it’. Regarding the severity of the illegal sports gambling, 77.7% said ‘it is serious’, and 22.3% said ‘it is not serious’ and regarding the punishment from illegal sports gambling, 69.1% said ‘they don’t know the punishment they will receive’, and 30.9% said ‘they know’. In recognition of illegal sports gambling participation, 50.4% said ‘they should never do it’, 31.5% said ‘they don’t know’, 15.4% said ‘they can do it after the player's life’, and 2.7% said ‘they can if not noticed’. Second, tasks were the tool development and feedback of sports ethics awareness for school elite athletes, the reorganization of contents of sports ethics education, regularize and mandatory sports ethics education and communication campaign deployment.