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Despite the importance of city parks and the changes in perception and involvement of users, park management budgets are constantly being contracted. Accordingly, the problems on maintenance control of neighborhood parks are now being realized, and studies on management improvement are required. This study is focused on the operation conditions and user satisfaction of the neighborhood parks in Daegu. Based on the analysis, efficient park management measures are suggested and baseline data are provided for subsequent studies. Targeting the neighborhood parks that the primary local government of Daegu is directly managing, the maintenance management costs were compared for a period of five years, and the average budget per unit area was calculated based on the completed neighborhood parks. Eight neighborhood parks were selected, including Dalseo-gu, whose average budget per unit area is the highest, and Buk-gu, where it is the lowest. Further, field and user attitude surveys were carried out. From the results of the field survey, the administrative status on neighborhood parks of Dalseo-gu and Buk-gu showed a satisfactory level, beyond the average one. The management score on neighborhood parks of Dalseo-gu appeared higher than that in Buk-gu. According to the results of the attitude survey, which targeted the users of these parks, the main users utilizing the neighborhood parks were nearby residents, and their share of responses indicating that they go to the park on foot was the highest, 74.6%. Regarding the importance and satisfaction on the elements that compose the parks, classified in 7 point-scaled criteria, the favorable answers were those over 5 points. According to the levels of user satisfaction calculated based on this method, Buk-gu ranked higher than Dalseo-gu. Based on the expected level of service and the evaluation of how they are perceived, through an IPA analysis, the park facilities were divided into to four areas. As a result, it emerged that continuous interest and intensive management of the properties would be required.