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Browsing by Author "Byungyong Park"

Browsing by Author "Byungyong Park"

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  • Dongchoon Ahn; Hyunjin Tae; Byungyong Park; 심정하; 기소양; 정옥봉; In-Shik Kim (The Korean Society Of Veterinary Clinics, 2011-08)
    Intrachondral articulations are the synovial joints that occur within costal cartilage in artiodactyls. The anatomical structure of Korean water deer differs from that of other deer. However, there have been no reports on ...
  • 조영화; 박현; Cho, Eui-Sic; Kim, Wun-jae; Bong-Su Kang; Byungyong Park; Yeun-Ju Kim; Young-Ill Lee; Soo-Ik Chang; 박기랑 (Korean Society Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology, 2007-06)
    To develop a novel therapeutic angiogenesis for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, angiogenin (ANG1) was examined as a potential therapeutic gene. An adeno-associated virus (AAV)-mediated gene delivery system was ...
  • Zhili Rao; Kim So Young; Md Rashedunnabi Akanda; Lee, Su-Jin; IN DUK JUNG; Byungyong Park; SERALATHAN KAMALAKANNAN; HUR, JIN; Park, Jung Hee (The Korean Society For Molecular And Cellular Biology, 2019-03)
    The porcine myeloid antimicrobial peptide (PMAP), one of the cathelicidin family members, contains small cationic peptides with amphipathic properties. We used a putative lysozyme originated from the bacteriophage P22 (P22 ...
  • Md. Mahfujur Rahman; In-Shik Kim; Dongchoon Ahn; Cho, Ho Seong; Kim Won-Il; Kim, Bum Seok; Shin Gee Wook; KWON JUNG KEE; Md. Rashedunnabi Akanda; Byungyong Park (The Korean Society Of Veterinary Science, 2015-09)
    Ciliary rootlet coiled coil protein (CROCC), the structural component that originates from the basal body at the proximal end of the ciliary rootlet, plays a crucial role in maintaining the cellular integrity of ciliated ...
  • Yang Liu; Yanan Liu; 박미라; PARK SOOJIN; Yifan Zhang; Md Rashedunnabi Akanda; Byungyong Park; KIM HAK YONG (Korean Carbon Society, 2017-01)
    We report the use of carrot, a new and inexpensive biomaterial source, for preparing high quality carbon dots (CDs) instead of semi-conductive quantum dots for bioimaging application. The as-derived CDs possessing down ...
  • Dongchoon Ahn; Hyunjin Tae; Byungyong Park; 심정하; Kim Jong Taek; In-Shik Kim (The Korean Society Of Veterinary Clinics, 2011-10)
    The brachiocephalic trunk (Bct) branches from the aortic arch (Aa) and consists, in ruminants, of the common trunk of the left subclavian artery (LSb), the bicarotid artery (Bc) or left and right common carotid artery (LCc ...
  • Shraddha Tiwari; Sulhi Aufa; Hyung-Hun Park; Cho, Ho Seong; Byungyong Park; Yeonsu Oh (THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF VETERINARY SERVICE, 2018-09)
    A female Russian rat snake, Elaphe schrenckii, was presented for loss of movement. Physical examina-tion showed the swelling in the area of heart. Radiographic examination revealed cardiomegaly, peri-cardial effusion, and ...
  • Md. Mahfujur Rahman; Byungyong Park (Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine, 2014-12)
    The ubiquitous Na, K-ATPase is a membrane-bound ion pump located in the plasma membrane in all animal cells and plays an essential role in a variety of cellular functions. Studies in several organisms have shown that this ...
  • Jong Bum Choi; Gi-Beum Kim; Young-Ran PARK; SHANG-JIN KIM; Hyung-Sub Kang; Byungyong Park; In-Shik Kim; Yeong-Seok Yang (The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2014-03)
    The models of stenosed blood vessel with three different types of stenosis types have been modeled toinvestigate blood flow characteristics. The study was performed to investigate various hemodynamics, such as pressureand ...
  • Byungyong Park (Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine, 2015-03)
    Neural crest and placodes share a number of important features, pointing to a possible common evolutionary origin. They both arise from the neural plate border, which is the boundary between the non-neural ectoderm and ...
  • Sim Jeoungha; Byungyong Park; In-Shik Kim; Dongchoon Ahn (Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine, 2014-12)
    The brachiocephalic muscle in domestic mammals is formed as a homology of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the clavicular part of the deltoid muscle since it results from reduction of the clavicle as a clavicular ...
  • Byeong Ju Baik; 이승익; KIM JAE GON; Byungyong Park; 박병건 (The Korean Academy Of Pediatric Dentistry, 2001-12)
  • Byungyong Park; Cho, Ho Seong; Park Chul (THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF VETERINARY SERVICE, 2011-12)
    Aspiration of lytic bone lesions is an excellent diagnostic test in the initial evaluation of primary bone tumor. However, cytologically, it can be difficult to differentiate osteosarcoma (OSA) from other bone neoplasms, ...
  • Hyunjin Tae; Dongchoon Ahn; Byungyong Park; 심정하; In-Shik Kim (대한체질인류학회, 2011-06)
    Insulin-like growth (IGF) system은 여러 가지 다양한 심근질환과 연관성이 있는 것으로 알려져 있으나심근경색에서 IGF system의 변화에 대해서는 밝혀져 있지 않다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 흰쥐 심근경색 모델을활용하여 IGF system의 변동을 살펴보아 심근경색에서 IGF system의 역할을 규명해보고자 하였다. 60일령의 수컷 흰쥐 왼심장동맥을 결찰하여 심근경색 ...
  • 장병귀; Hyunjin Tae; CHOI,CHULHWAN; Sang-Youel Park; Hyung-Sub Kang; Byungyong Park; Namsoo Kim; Young-Hoon Lee; Yang,Hong-Hyun; Dongchoon Ahn; In-Shik Kim; 박영재 (Korean Society Of Poultry Science, 2006-09)
    한국 재래 닭에서 부화 후부터 성숙에 이르는 시기까지 고환 발달동안 간질세포의 미세구조를 구명하기 위하여 부화 후 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 21, 28, 32, 44, 52 및 64주령(n=13마리/일령)의 한국 재래 닭을 이용하여 이 연구를 수행하였다. 한국 재래닭의 고환은 2.5% glutaraldehyde를 이용하여 전신관류고정하고 조직 처리 과정을 ...
  • 장병귀; Sang-Youel Park; Hyung-Sub Kang; Dongchoon Ahn; Byungyong Park; Yang,Hong-Hyun; Hyunjin Tae; CHOI,CHULHWAN; Namsoo Kim; Young-Hoon Lee; In-Shik Kim; 박영재 (Korean Society Of Poultry Science, 2006-09)
  • Hyunjin Tae; Dongchoon Ahn; 이영덕; 나성진; Byungyong Park; In-Shik Kim (THE KOREAN SOCIETY OF VETERINARY SERVICE, 2016-09)
    Changes in the Leydig cell from pre-puberty to adulthood were studied in Korean native cattle. Eight groups of male cattle aged 14, 17, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40 and 104 weeks (n=7 cattle per group) after birth were used. The ...
  • In-Shik Kim; Hyunjin Tae; 이여광; Byungyong Park; 박영재; 최은영; Young-Hoon Lee; Dongchoon Ahn; Hyung-Sub Kang; Sang-Youel Park; 박수현; Lee John Hwa; Yang,Hong-Hyun (The Korean Society Of Veterinary Science, 2003-12)
    Changes in the rat testis interstitium from birth to adulthood were studied using Sprague Dawley rats of 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 40, 60, and 90 days of age to investigate Leydig cell differentiation. In addition, serum testosterone ...

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