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Browsing by Author "Dusek Jeffery A."

Browsing by Author "Dusek Jeffery A."

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  • Jia Libin; Beidelschies Michelle; Evans Joel M.; Niemtzow Richard C.; Niemtzow Songxuan Zhou; Dusek Jeffery A.; Lin Yufang; Wu Charles; Wang C. Jason; Su Yi-Chang; Lin Chien-Yu; Astana Peristiwan Ridha Widhi; Ardiyanto Danang; Hardjoutomo Rusmiyati; Visithanon Khwanchai; Puagkong Jagravudh; Chokpaisarn Julalak; Lopez Martha Villar; Yotsuyanagi Hiroshi; Myeong Soo Lee; Ramirez Hernan Jose Garcia; Bobadilla Cecilia Plaza; Quinteros Elizabeth Margarita Gonzalez; Galanti de la Paz Monica; Maramba-Lazarte Cecilia C. (Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine, 2024-03)
    This article - Recommendations and Guidelines of Integrative Medicine (IM) for COVID-19 Care - was one of the outcomes from an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Project (Integrative Medicine (IM) and COVID -19 Care) ...

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