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Browsing by Author "E. Hasan Karabulut, Prof."

Browsing by Author "E. Hasan Karabulut, Prof."

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  • Cem Ariturk, Ass.Prof.; Ahmet Umit Gullu, Ass.Prof.; Sahin Senay, Ass.Prof.; Eyup Murat Okten, M.D.; Fevzi Toraman; E. Hasan Karabulut, Prof.; Letisya Melengic, M.S.; Cem Alhan, Prof. (Korean Society For Thoracic And Cardiovascular Surgery, 2015-12)
    Gebode defect, that can accurately be treated surgical repair, is defined as a true communication between left ventricle and right atrium. A 74-year-old woman with a worsening history of ortophnea and peripheral edema was ...

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