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Browsing by Author "Kyung-Nam Ha"

Browsing by Author "Kyung-Nam Ha"

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  • Hyeung-Sik Choi; 이동준; Kyung-Nam Ha (한국해양공학회, 2012-12)
    In this research, a novel mater arm was studied as a teaching device for an underwater revolute robot arm used as a slave arm. The master arm was designed to be a seven‐degree‐of‐freedom (DOF) structure, with a structure ...
  • Min J. Kim; Seol B. Bae; Woon Kyung Baek; Moon-gab Joo; Kyung-Nam Ha (Institute of Embedded Engineering of Korea, 2015-08)
    For the tracking of the way-points of hovering AUV (HAUV), we suggest a simple PID controller. The way-points are designed to approach to a virtual underwater structure and the heading angles at each way-point are set to ...
  • Min J. Kim; Woon-Kyung Baek; Kyung-Nam Ha; Moon-gab Joo (한국해양공학회, 2016-06)
    An attitude controller for a 6-DOF hovering autonomous underwater vehicle (HAUV) is implemented. We add a vertical thruster, an underwater camera, a wireless communication device, and a DVL to the HAUV that was developed ...
  • Dong Gu Lee; ryu jedoo; Keon Seok Nam; Kyung-Nam Ha (The Korean Society of Industry Convergence, 2018-06)
    Continued R&D investment by the government and corporate support played a major role as the background of the rapid growth of the Republic of Korea. In 2017 of the Republic of Korea, the R&D support size of the government ...

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