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Browsing by Author "Kyung-Nam Kim"

Browsing by Author "Kyung-Nam Kim"

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  • Kyung-Nam Kim; Yun-kyung Song; Hyung-Ho Lim (The Society of Korean Medicine, 2005-12)
    Backgrounds : Amygdalin (D-mandelonitrile B-gentiobioside), a cynogenic compound, is found in sweet and bitter almond, Persicae semen, and Armeniacae semen. Aqueous extract of amygdalin was made from Armeniacae semen and ...
  • KIM, KYOUNG-JU; Kyung-Nam Kim; YONG-JIN CHOI (The Korean Society For Microbiology And Biotechnology, 2004-06)
    The a-L-arabinofuranosidase (Arfase) gene ofBacillus stearothermophilus No. 236 was cloned and sequenced.The ORF of the gene, designated arfA, encoded a 507-residuepolypeptide with calculated molecular mass of 57 kDa. ...
  • Yong Hwa Cheong; Sun Jin Sung; Beom-Gi Kim; Girdhar K. Pandey; Cho Ju Sik; Kyung-Nam Kim; Sheng Luan (The Korean Society For Molecular And Cellular Biology, 2010-02)
    Calcium serves as a critical messenger in many adaptation and developmental processes. Cellular calcium signals are detected and transmitted by sensor molecules such as calcium-binding proteins. In plants, the calcineurin ...
  • Dae-Yong Shin; Kyung-Nam Kim (Ceramic Research Institute, 2009-08)
    Crystalline films of periclase and β-MgO with or without Mg(OH)2 were deposited on soda lime glass substrates by a sol-gel process using magnesium acetate [Mg(CH3COO)2·4H2O]. MgO films were annealed by RTP under various ...
  • 이보예; Jeonghyun Lee; 윤훈석; KANG, KYUNG HO; Kyung-Nam Kim; 김재홍; Ju-Kon Kim; Jeong-Kook Kim (The Korean Society For Microbiology And Biotechnology, 2005-12)
    The production of therapeutic proteins for humandiseases in plants results in many economic benefits, includingreduced risk of animal virus contamination, high yields, andreduced production and storage costs. Human ...
  • Mia Son; Sanghyuk Bae; Minseo Choi; Whanhee Lee; Kyung-Nam Kim; Jung K Hyun (Yonsei University College of Medicine, 2024-05)
    Purpose: This study aimed to examine the interrupting effect of social distancing (SD) on emergency department (ED) patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD), stroke, asthma, and suicide attempts by PM2.5 exposure in eight ...
  • Sung Han Ok; 신성훈; Jeong Sheop Shin; Kyung-Nam Kim; CHUN, JONG UN (The Korean Breeding Society, 2004-03)
    To investigate low temperature- and light stress-induced genes of Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Dongbori #1, suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was performed with mRNAs from leaf samples that treated with low temperature ...
  • Joo-Hee Lee; Woobong Choi; Kyung-Nam Kim; Nam-Soo JWA; Sun-Hyung Kim; Young-Ho Jung; Jung-A Kim; Mi-Ok Lee; Pil-Gyu Choi (The Korean Society Of Plant Pathology, 2005-06)
    A novel rice (Oryza sativa L.) gene, homologous to Arabidopsis pathogenesis-related NDR1 gene, was cloned from cDNA library prepared from 30 min Magnaporthe grisea -treated rice seedling leaves, and named as OsNDR1. OsNDR1 ...
  • Guozhong Cao; Kyung-Nam Kim (Materials Research Society Of Korea, 2016-04)
    In this paper, cerium doped lutetium pyrosilicate (LPS) powders with cerium content (0.05 and 0.07 mol%) were prepared by sol-gel process. The formation of lutetium pyrosilicate (LPS) phase was confirmed by XRD analysis ...
  • 신미경; Kyung-Nam Kim; Kim Chul Eung; Lee, Sung-Keun; KANG JUHEE; 박창신 (The Korean Society of Toxicogenomics and Toxicoproteomics, 2008-03)
    The expression of neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS) is regulated by various spliced first exons (exon 1a-1i), sharing differentially common exon 2 in diverse human tissues. The highly complex structure and regulation ...
  • Jeong-Hwan Lee; Seung-Deok Kim; Ja-Young Lee; Kyung-Nam Kim; Hyun-Su Kim (Korean Society of Food Science and Technology, 2004-06)
    Naturally occurring inhibitor of carcinogenesis, ellagic acid was quantified in four kinds of each pomegranateextracts and juices. As solvents, 80% methanol in purified water and 50% methanol in 2 M hydrochloric acid were ...
  • Kyung-Nam Kim (Korean Society for Plant Biotechnology, 2013-01)
    Calcium ions (Ca2?) are involved as second messenger in plant responses to a broad array of environmental stimuli, including biotic and abiotic stresses. Therefore, understanding Ca2?-signaling mechanisms may lead to the ...
  • Jung-Hyuk Kwon; Je-Sung Bae; Jong-Min Kim; Kyung-Nam Kim; LEE WANG SANG (The Society for Aerospace System Engineering, 2023-06)
    본 논문에서는 군용항공기에서 비행 중 민간방송이 간헐적으로 수신되는 비정상적인 현상에 대해 원인분석 및 조치방안을 연구하였다. 항공기의 통신시스템은 내/외부 통신의 기능을 담당하기에 비행 임무 및 훈련에 있어 매우 중요하다. 민간방송 수신으로 인해 통신 품질이 저하되면 지상 및 비행 운영에 영향을 미치게 된다. 민간방송 수신 현상에 대해서 원인분석 및 고장탐구을 통해 통신시스템 장비 중 하나인 ...
  • Tae-Jin Song; Moon-Kyung Shin; Kyung-Nam Kim; Park, SoHyun (The Korean Society of Climate Change Research, 2024-06)
    Natural disasters cause significant damage worldwide. Heavy rains also increase health risks and affect public health. It is crucial to establish systematic survey systems to understand the health effects of climate change. ...
  • Kyung-Nam Kim; Tack Hyun Shin (The Korea Society For Simulation, 2018-03)
    본 연구는 철도관제사의 인적오류를 유발하는 요인이 무엇인지를 AMOS 구조방정식 모형을 활용하여 탐색적으로 검증하려는 목적에서 시도되었다. 관제사와 관련된 문헌연구를 토대로 피로와 스트레스를 외생변인, 정보처리과정에서의 오류(인지, 기억, 저장 및 실행오류)를 내생변인, 그리고 종속변인으로 책임사고와 아차사고를 설정하였다. 여러 기관의 현직관제사 201명의 설문을 분석한 결과, ‘스트레스 ⟶ ...
  • Hyojin Kim; Mi Chung Suh; 고영삼; Yonghwi Kim; Lee, Sanghyeob; Kyung-Nam Kim; Lee Geungjoo; 김기준 (Korean Society for Plant Biotechnology, 2014-09)
    Camelina sativa that belongs to Brassicaceaefamily is an emerging oilseed crop. Camelina seeds containapproximately 40% storage oils per seed dry weight, whichare useful for human and animal diets and industrialapplications. ...
  • Sung-Yong Kim; Kyung-Nam Kim; Tae-Ho Yoon (The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 2020-10)
    본 논문에서는 편심코아를 가지는 저층 필로티 건물의 내진거동을 해석하고 결과를 분석하였다. 본 논문에서는 저층 필로티 건물의 시공사례 중 KBC2005기준에 준하여 설계된 편심코어를 가지는 건물들의 설계자료를 수집하여, 대표적인 편심 필로티 건물을 프로토타입으로 선정하여 KDS41기준에 준하여 내진거동을 해석하고 결과를 분석하였다. 연구결과 편심코어를 가지는 필로티 건물의 경우 X방향은 소성거동, ...
  • Ji-Sung Kim; Jeong-In Yun; Kyung-Kuk Jung; Sung-Yoon Kim; Hee-Wook Kang; Jong-Lyul Lee; Won-Il Son; Kyung-Nam Kim; Du-Yong Lee (The Korean Society of Marine Engineering, 2018-05)
    본 논문의 목적은 육상 및 해상 단말기지국용 브릿지 장비, 저가 보급형 기지국 자동추적 안테나 시스템을 개발하는 것이다. 시험은 브리징 처리속도, 하드웨어 복구, 통달거리 및 통신속도로 총 4가지를 기본적으로 실시하였다. 브리징처리속도 시험의 실험방법은 브리지 장비와 안테나를 설치하고 기존의 안테나가 신호단절로 인하여 연결이 끊어졌을 경우 10 초 이내에 새로운 안테나에 연결이 가능한지 ...

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