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Browsing by Author "Myung-Hun Kim"

Browsing by Author "Myung-Hun Kim"

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  • Myung-Hun Kim; JongRae Cho; Wonbong Bae; Kweon Jin Hwe; Choi Jin Ho; Sang-Rae Cho; Yun-Sik Cho (Korean Society for Precision Engineering, 2010-12)
    Underwater vehicles that operate in deep waters require a pressure hull to maintain the sufficient strength and stiffness against external hydrostatic pressure. We investigated the validity of the finite element method ...
  • Myung-Hun Kim; Won-Byong Bae; Jeong-Young Han; Min-Woo Kim (Korean Society for Precision Engineering, 2010-10)
    Temperature control of a rubber injection mold is important for the dimensional accuracy of the product. In this study, the arrangement of mold heater cartridges was optimized by using finite element analysis (FEA) and ...
  • 강병윤; Yunhae Kim; Do-wan Kim; Myung-Hun Kim; 한정영; Cheolhyun Hong (한국해양공학회, 2011-02)
    According to recent figures, 35% of the world's blades are made using prepreg blades, by Vestas and Gamesa. They are the most advanced in the market today. In this study, we investigated the validity of the finite element ...
  • Min-Woo Kim; JongRae Cho; Myung-Hun Kim (The Korean Society Of Manufacturing Process Engineers, 2019-11)
    The dimensional quality of flexible foams is often difficult to be evaluated through general machine vision inspection methods due to the free deformation of the outer shape. For the evaluation of the dimensions of flexible ...
  • Myung-Hun Kim; 한정영; 최은호; Wonbong Bae; Sung-Soo Kang (The Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers, 2011-02)
    Temperature control of a rubber injection mold is important for the dimensional accuracy of product. The main objective of this paper is to optimize the arrangement of heaters by FEM and optimal design method. Firstly, ...

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