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Browsing by Author "Myung-Hwan Oh"

Browsing by Author "Myung-Hwan Oh"

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  • 유광석; Ji-whan Ahn; 한동윤; 조계홍; Myung-Hwan Oh (한국자원리싸이클링학회, 2009-06)
    Alinite계 클링커 합성 시 MgO의 영향에 대해 검토하였다. Alinite 조성비 및 Alinite 조성비에 MgO를 3.77% 대체하여 760℃ 및 800℃에서 1,400℃까지 100℃간격으로 3시간 열처리하여 합성 상 및 수화열을 측정하였다. MgO를 첨가하지 않은 경우, 1,300℃에서 alinite, CCA와 함께 -C2S상과 f-CaO가 다량 존재하였으나, MgO를 첨가한 경우, ...
  • Chang Gee Keun; Hee-Won Kim; Chang Ho Jung; Sung-Kyoo Lim; Myung-Hwan Oh; Jungwon Kang; Jun-Young Lee; Myoungseon Gong; Young-Kwan Lee (The Korean Institute Of Metals And Meterials, 2008-04)
    New organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) with dual peak emission spectra were fabricated and their electrical and optical characteristics were investigated. In the experiments, the blue emission materials GDI602 and GDI602 ...
  • Hoon Kim; Jong-Won Park; Joo-Won Lee; Yun-Hi Lee; SONG, YOON-HO; Jin-Ho Lee; Kyung-Ik Cho; Jin Jang; Myung-Hwan Oh; Byeongkwon Ju (The Korean Physical Society, 2002-06)
    It is estimated that a porous polysilicon (PPS) diode with a structure of Au/PPS/n-type Si operates as an efficient stable surface emitting cold cathode. 2.0 lm of an non-doped polysilicon layer is formed on an heavily ...
  • Myung-Hwan Oh; 오준호 (대한기계학회, 2011-01)
    In this study, stability conditions of receding horizon control (RHC) based on a horizon size are proposed for linear discrete systems. The proposed stability conditions present a relevant horizon size which can guarantee ...
  • Ill Woo Park; Woosung Yang; Kim Jin-Oh; Myung-Hwan Oh (Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, 2015-10)
    This paper concerns the composition method of a model based feedforward and sensor based feedback control realization of a mobile robot that has high center of gravity. The robot is comprised of a mobile base, which has ...
  • Myung-Hwan Oh; Kyeong-Seok Han; Hoon Cho (Digital Contents Society, 2020-04)
    본 연구는 바이오(생체)인증 사용의도에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인을 알아보고자 선행 연구를 기반으로 연구모형을 구성하여 실증 분석하여 결과를 도출하였다. 바이오(생체)인증에 대한 독립변수들로 혁신성, 보안성, 다양성, 자기효능감, 적합성을 선정하였으며, TAM을 활용하여 매개변수로 지각된 사용용이성, 지각된 유용성을 활용하였으며 종속변수로 사용의도를 선정하였다. 가설검증은 SPSS 통계프로그램과 ...
  • Myung-Hwan Oh; 오준호 (Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems, 2010-02)
    In the case of a linear time-varying system, it is difficult to apply the conventional stability conditions of RHC (Receding Horizon Control) to real physical systems because of computational complexity comes from time-varying ...

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