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Browsing by Author "U Seok Jeong"

Browsing by Author "U Seok Jeong"

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  • 안재형; U Seok Jeong; 최민영; 김병용; Jaekyeong Song; Weon Hang Yeon (The Korean Society For Microbiology And Biotechnology, 2015-06)
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  • U Seok Jeong; Seong-Sup Kim; Taehoo Kim; Seo, Sangtaek (Korean Association of Agricultural and Food Policy, 2018-06)
    This study set a sharing proportion of loss compensation between the owner and the lessee in apple orchard, where the compensation is made by government order for disease control of fire blight in fruit. For the study, ...
  • Kim myeong jin; Kyeong-Rae Kim; Seung-Hyeok Baek; Seung-Hee Oh; U Seok Jeong; Kim, Kyung-seok (The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, 2021-12)
    긴급재난문자 서비스는 재난 상황에 대한 정보를 휴대폰으로 전달하는 공익 서비스이다. 휴대폰 보급률이 높은대한민국은 긴급재난문자를 통한 재난정보 전달이 다른 정보 전달 방법 보다 높은 선호도를 갖고 있다. 하지만 문자로만이루어져 있어 정보 취약 계층에게는 일반인들에 비해 재난정보 전달이 정상적으로 이루어지지 않고 있다. 이를 보완하기 위해서 긴급재난문자 서비스를 활용한 재난정보 전달 애플리케이션을 ...
  • U Seok Jeong; Seong-Sup Kim; Seo, Sangtaek (Korean Association of Agricultural Extension, 2018-03)
    This study analyzed the selection factors for cultivation practices in paddy rice farming. For the study, conjoint model with part-worth utility was adopted, where model profiles included three attributes of yield, production ...
  • U Seok Jeong; Seong-Sup Kim; Seo, Sangtaek; Sukjin Kim (Korean Association of Agricultural and Food Policy, 2017-12)
    This study performed an economic analysis for no-till practice of paddy rice compared with traditional till practice of paddy rice. The effect of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from soil and agricultural machinery ...
  • U Seok Jeong; Seo, Sangtaek (Korean Association of Agricultural and Food Policy, 2014-03)
    Among the dobt policies are business recovery program provided byFarmland Bank. Farmers with the program are given the redemptive right forthe farmland during the program period of seven years. Thus farmers need tomake a ...
  • Seong-Sup Kim; U Seok Jeong; Jihee Ha; Seo, Sangtaek (Korean Association of Agricultural Extension, 2017-06)
    The purpose of this study is to analyze potential adoption rates and reusing patterns of the new rice direct seeding technology. The model constructed and employed in this study is a system dynamics model of farmer adoption ...
  • Jihee Ha; U Seok Jeong; Seong-Sup Kim; Seo, Sangtaek (The Korean Agricultural Economics Association, 2018-03)
    This study analyzes the economic outcome of several cultivation practices of rice under uncertainty with the field data obtained from NICS(National Institute of Crop Science) from year 2014 to year 2016, where the practices ...
  • Jihee Ha; U Seok Jeong; Seo, Sangtaek (Korean Association of Agricultural and Food Policy, 2019-09)
    This study analyzes the option value of flexible cropping system of smart farming with information and communication technology (ICT), which have been adopted for alternatives to traditional farming. In the study we consider ...
  • U Seok Jeong; Seo, Sangtaek (Korean Association of Agricultural and Food Policy, 2013-03)
    This study analyzes the entry threshold of geothermal heat pump system with paprika farming, where the geothermal heat pump system is being disseminated to replace traditional fossil fuel energy system. The geothermal heat ...
  • U Seok Jeong; Seong-Sup Kim; chae yong woo (The Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 2020-12)
    본 연구는 국내 아열대 작물의 재배동향을 분석하여 주산지를 도출하고, 정책지원 및 후속 연구의 기초자료를 제시하였다. 분석결과, 망고를 제외한 나머지 아열대 작물의 재배면적은 정체 또는 감소세를 보였다. 망고와 용과의 주산지는 제주도, 파파야는 경상남도, 강황은 전라남도에 재배면적이 집중된 것으로 나타났다. 구아바와 여주는 재배면적과 농가수가 미미하여 주산지의 정의가 어렵고, 아열대 채소인 ...
  • U Seok Jeong; Seo, Sangtaek; Han,Doo Bong (Korean Association of Agricultural and Food Policy, 2013-03)
    This study was performed to analyze the effect of changes in oil price on the price level of agricultural products in Korea. For the study, Input-Output model with basic industry sectors produced by year 2009 was used. ...
  • U Seok Jeong; Seo, Sangtaek (The Korean Agricultural Economics Association, 2020-06)
    This study evaluated economic feasibility of switching rice paddy to upland field with crop selection flexibility. For the analysis, real options approach with switching option was adopted, in which farmers were assumed ...
  • Seung-Hwan Choi; Gijo Park; Kisook Chung; U Seok Jeong; Kim, Kyung-seok (The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication, 2023-04)
    세계적으로 해양공간정보의 활용과 관리에 대한 중요성을 극대화하고 있고, 이러한 데이터를 분석하는 것을 연구개발의 주요 추진 동력으로 부각하고 있다. 국내에서는 과거부터 현재까지 보유하고 있는 해양 데이터를 수집하고 가치를 추출해내는 것이 향후 우리나라의 과학발전에 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 기대하고 있다. 특히나 해양 정적 데이터는거대 빅데이터베이스를 이루고 있으며, 높은 데이터 수집 비용과 ...

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