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Browsing by Subject "Agricultural Economics"

Browsing by Subject "Agricultural Economics"

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  • Tae Eun Guon; Ha Sook Chung (Journal Of The Korea Tea, 2022-06)
    The present study was designed to investigate the molecular mechanisms of bioactive components against mild oxidative stress in human keratinocytes (HaCaTs). Solvent extraction and fractionation of the rhizomes of Zingiber ...
  • oh myung jin (Journal Of The Korea Tea, 2009-08)
    Some scholars of the Ming dynasty had the hobby of tasting tea. They created a new situation in ‘Scholar tea’ of the Ming Dynasty. They all left lots of excellent works and precious materials for later generations. Tea ...
  • 홍정숙 (Journal Of The Korea Tea, 2011-12)
    Tea culture begun in the East began to be introduced to Europe through trades with Netherlands in the 17th century. As culture of the 17th century has formed a lot of networks with maritime expansion, ruling by imperialists ...
  • Hyeon-Goo Jeong (Journal Of The Korea Tea, 2018-09)
    This study examined how tea culture was formed in the 17th century with a focus on the significance in this period because it helped understand the previous step of making tea fashionable. First, the term tea has emerged ...
  • 전성호 (Korea Rural Economic Institute, 2002-07)
  • Jaeyoun, Jung; Hyoeun, Sun; Gaeun, Lee; Jaeeun, Yang; Moon Han-pil (Korean Association of Agricultural and Food Policy, 2024-09)
    With the expansion of policy initiatives and support systems for the agricultural holdings, their number has recently increased while the number of farm households continues to decrease. Thus, this study tries to evaluate ...
  • Hyeon-Goo Jeong (Journal Of The Korea Tea, 2021-06)
    본 연구는 18세기부터 19세기의 영국 정부의 세금 정책과 징수가 영국의 차소비에 끼친 영향에 대해 알아보는 것에 목적을 두고 있다. 살펴본 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 차는 1650년대 후반 커피 하우스의 액상으로우려진 차를 대상으로 1갤런당 3 펜스의 금액이 과세되었고 1689년 명예혁명 이후부터는 액상이 아닌 건엽을대상으로 삼아 1 lb 당 5 실링 에 해당하는 금액이 세금으로 책정되었다. ...
  • Yeon-Mi Ko (Journal Of The Korea Tea, 2009-12)
    The purpose of this article is to examine the tea culture on the western pictures of tea in eighteenth century. This paper employs two methods to examine literatures of tea trade and cultural history and the pictures of ...
  • Hyeon-Goo Jeong (Journal Of The Korea Tea, 2019-12)
    본 연구는 18세기 유물과 기물을 통해 당시 은제 차도구에 대해 살펴보았는데 목적이 있다. 18세기의 차문화는 경제발전과 차 세금 경감, 사회적 분위기에 영향을 받아 더욱 인기를 얻었다. 각 시기의 예술사조는 은기에 반영되었는데 이는 당 시기의 미학적 표현을 담은 하나의 예술품이기도 했다. 연구에서 살펴본 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 은제 차도구 중 가장 많이 제작되었던 것은 티 포트, 티 ...
  • Ko Yeon-mi (Journal Of The Korea Tea, 2014-03)
    The main aim of this study was to analyze the characteristics of roadside teahouses on the Mid Edo Period Ukiyo-e, a Japanese woodblock print or painting. This paper used two methods to examine Edo period literature and ...
  • Ko Yeon-mi (Journal Of The Korea Tea, 2015-06)
    This study analyzed the characteristics of tea culture depicted in the Japanese paintings of the eighteenth century. A total of 32 paintings drawn by 10 painters in the mid-Edo period were used. The results focusing mostly ...
  • Ko Yeon-mi (Journal Of The Korea Tea, 2014-12)
    This study analyzed the characteristics of tea culture depicted in the Eighteenth century's Joseon paintings. A total of 40 paintings drawn by 13 painters in the late Joseon dynasty were used. The results of this study ...
  • 장효은 (Journal Of The Korea Tea, 2008-08)
    Our ancestor had made and drank various fermented tea in their lives. In this study I excavated various types of domestic traditional fermented tea in the early 20th century and restored this tea at first hand. The regions ...
  • Yohan Lee; Jae Bong Chang (Korean Association of Agricultural and Food Policy, 2017-03)
    This study investigates how Saemaul Undong in 1970s contributed to the successful forest rehabilitation of South Korea. Based on the theoretical model explaining the relationship between deforestation and income, we conduct ...
  • JinBae Choi (Korean Society For Cooperative Studies, 2012-12)
    Soon after the credit unions were founded in Korea, a controversy focused on their development strategies began. The controversy which received attentions from the credit union leaders prevailed through out 1970s. At that ...
  • Seok Gon Cho (Korea Rural Economic Institute, 2004-09)
    The income increment policy in the 1980s was different from that in the 1970s, which was a sort of support price policy. It aimed to increase the income of agrarian households by producing new highly value added products ...
  • Ko Yeon-mi (Journal Of The Korea Tea, 2010-08)
    The purpose of this article was to examine tea culture in the nineteenth century. This paper employed two methods to examine literatures and pictures of tea. The result of this study shows that pictures of tea were painted ...
  • Hyeon-Goo Jeong (Journal Of The Korea Tea, 2024-12)
    본 연구는 19세기 영국의 티 블렌딩의 양상과 효용성에 주목하는 것을 연구의 목적으로 두고 있다. 살펴본 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 영국에서는 차무역량이 증가했던 18세기부터 찻잎을 조합하여 향미를 보완하고자 하였다. 둘째, 19세기에 인도와 실론에서 생산된 차는 중국차에 익숙해있던 소비자에게 향미가 부족하다고여겨져 중국차와 블렌딩을 하는 것이 필수적이었으나 소비자가 점차 강렬한 맛과 깊은 ...
  • Hyeon-Goo Jeong (Journal Of The Korea Tea, 2016-12)
    The purpose of this study is to examine the tea etiquette and its diffusion in Victorian of the nineteenth century. It is worthwhile noting that the cultural and industrial advancement of tea occurred during this period. ...
  • Young-Wook Lee; Choi, Bae Young (Journal Of The Korea Tea, 2020-12)
    본 논문은 19세기를 중심으로 영국 사회의 차 판매기업들이 이행한 사업적 전략의 특징을 규명하는 데 연구의 목적을 두었다. 이를 위해 영국 차문화에 관련된 단행본, 논문, 인터넷 자료를 고찰하여 분석하였다. 주요연구 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 영국에 차가 들어온 17세기부터 19세기까지에 이르는 시기 동안 차문화는태동, 성장, 정착의 양상으로 전개되어 나갔다. 즉 영국의 차문화는 17세기 ...

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