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Browsing by Subject "Costumes"

Browsing by Subject "Costumes"

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  • Ni-Na Park; Jung-Soon Choi (The Korean Society Of Knit Design, 2020-06)
    This research identified the effect of skin care behavior on cosmetic purchasing behavior and makeup awareness among 365 modern men from teenagers to fifties who are familiar with mobile, and found out the following results: ...
  • Eun-Hee Hong (Korea Fashion & Costume Design Association, 2019-09)
    Body fit should be the first point considered for satisfying the functionality of clothes and thus it is the most essential condition. Based on previous research, this article studied the basic slacks pattern with a high ...
  • Sun Hee Lee; Chun Hea-Sook (The Society of Korean Traditional Costume, 2009-04)
    The purpose of this study is the characterization of textiles in venezian paintings of 15th-16th century Italy. There are selected nine venezian paintings, three paintings by Gentille Bellini(1492~1507), one by Giovanni ...
  • Yoon Yang-No (The Society of Korean Traditional Costume, 2011-08)
    This research examined the usages and representations of union fabric by using Choson Dynasty’s in 15-16C documents and examined the distinct characteristics of each period using excavated artifacts. The results are ...
  • 어미경 (Korea Fashion & Costume Design Association, 2018-09)
    The purpose of this study is to understand the characteristics of body types of adult woman under 155cm in height. To do this, direct measurement data showed that only 660 women aged 20~69 years old and under 155cm tall ...
  • 김정애; Donga Lee (Korea Fashion & Costume Design Association, 2019-12)
    This paper tried a detailed approach to identify the correlation among basic elements that influenced the change of forms of the Po. To this end, the subjects were limited to the clothing from the 15th to the 18th century, ...
  • Lee,Hee-Hyun (Korea Fashion & Costume Design Association, 2010-09)
    The style of costumes which dancers put on for dancing on a stage reflects the times, culture, and traditionality of movements in dancing. Accordingly, everyday dresses are adopted as the stage costumes in some cases and ...
  • Yang-Hee Kim (Korea Fashion & Costume Design Association, 2005-09)
    This is a study on the origin of fashion imaging. First of all, I looked into the history of French fashion printmaking from late 16th century to early 19th century. Then studied the changes in the characteristics of context ...
  • 김혜경; CHO, WOO HYUN (The Society of Korean Traditional Costume, 2014-02)
    Joseon Dynasty Skirts represent so much a part of women's clothing. Particularly, the simplicity of flat structure the pleats on them are the most important design elements which define the silhouette of the whole dress ...
  • Mun Yun Kyeong; Kim Kyung Hee; 김정진 (The Society of Korean Traditional Costume, 2006-12)
    In the Renaissance, hair style was affected by the costume which began to become gorgeous and puffed up. During this period, the hair style was gradually shorten as a ruff collar became a fashion. The hair style became ...
  • 송미경 (The Society of Korean Traditional Costume, 2007-04)
    This study is on the costumes of the man of noble in 16th century through the excavated costumes of Sim, Su-roon's tomb.The excavated costumes indicate that the man of noble in 16th century wore Jang-yu, Aek-ju-eum, ...
  • Choi, Yun-Hee; Eun-Joo Lee (Seok Juseon Memorial Museum, Dankook University, 2022-05)
    이 연구는 조선시대 여성용 말군에 관한 문헌기록을 고찰하고, 안동대학교 박물관 소장의 해주오씨(海州吳氏, 미상~1520) 묘 말군을 재현하면서 인천광역시립박물관 소장 석남동 말군의 형태와 구성법을 비교ㆍ고찰하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 마상의(馬上衣)인 말군은 왕실여성과 여관(女官, 상궁 이하 기행내인), 사대부가 부인이 착용한 옷임을 확인하였다. 둘째, 왕실여성의 말군은 ...
  • won kyungyi; Eun-Joo Lee (Seok Juseon Memorial Museum, Dankook University, 2023-05)
    이 연구는 행전에 대한 문헌 조사와 함께 1998년 안동 정상동에서 출토된 이응태(李應台, 1556~1586) 묘출토복식 중 제비행전 3점(UT 12·UT 71·UT 44)의 제작방법을 고찰한 것이다. 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 행전은 바짓가랑이를 좁혀 보행과 행동을 간편하게 해주는 것으로, 명칭은 ‘늑백(勒帛), 각반(脚絆), 경의(脛衣), 행등(行縢), 행전(行纏)’ 등 다양하다. 형태는 ...
  • 이은주; 하명은; 안태현 (The Society of Korean Traditional Costume, 2007-04)
    The purpose of this study is to identify the historical value of excavated remains from three tombs of the Choi family originated Jeonju in Mungyeong. The study provides us an understanding the costume culture of Mungyeong ...
  • 장현주 (The Society of Korean Traditional Costume, 2007-12)
    The study aims to investigate the types and characteristics of the fabrics excavated from the tomb of Song Hee-Jong and of his wife from Sunheung Ahn clan in the 16th-17th century. The significance of this study lies in ...
  • Park, Eun jung; Eun-Joo Lee (Seok Juseon Memorial Museum, Dankook University, 2023-12)
    국립중앙박물관 소장 ≪梨園耆老會契帖≫은 1730년(영조 6) 4월 13일, 이원, 즉 장악원의 전ㆍ현직 관리와사우 등 21명이 편복 차림으로 모여 기로연을 하며 친목을 도모한 현장을 기록화로 남긴 것이다. 이 논문은≪이원기로회계첩≫ 속 등장인물의 복식을 고찰하기 위해 시대적 배경인 영조 대를 중심으로 고문헌과 선행연구, 문헌자료와 회화, 유물 자료 등을 활용하였다. 조선시대 관원들의 계회가 ...
  • Eun-Joo Lee (The Society of Korean Traditional Costume, 2008-08)
    This study reports the court dress styles shown at the scene of the royal banquet given by the King Yeong-Jo(英祖) at Myeong-jeongj-eon(明政殿) in 1743. It can be summarized as follows: First, King Yeong-jo attending the royal ...
  • 조효숙; KIM SUN KYUNG (Korea Fashion & Costume Design Association, 2003-09)
    The Purpose of this study is to investigate the jeogori included in the buddist statue in 1748. The jeogori was similar in shape to excavated costume of Andong Kwon, Papyung Yoon, and Chungyeongunju in 18th century. This ...
  • 박상희; Choi Jeong Wook (Korea Fashion & Costume Design Association, 2008-09)
    Men's outer wear, such as jackets and coats appeared since the 16th century. They have been changed from doublets, coats, justaucorps, tail-coats, frock coats and morning coats to contemporary men's suits. Since the early ...
  • 전은선 (The Society of Korean Traditional Costume, 2007-12)
    This is to study the textiles and patterns of the western costumes in Netherlands, England and France which flourished in the 17th century.The study showed that:In early 17th century, costume textiles were damask, satin, ...

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