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Browsing by Subject "Lexicography"

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  • Yu, Keun-Seon (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2021-05)
    16th Century Korean Inflected Form Dictionary is a kind of a collection of inflected forms of substantive and predicate. The purpose of this article is to understand the compilation background and composition of 16th Century ...
  • Han, YoungGyun (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2013-11)
    The aim of this paper is twofold. One is to list up the western books which contain korean lexical materials and the other is to analyze the korean lexical materials and to clarify which will be the entries in <Lexical ...
  • Lee, Soo-Jin; 김예니 (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2014-05)
    New words reflect clearly the social and cultural interests of the public of thetime they are produced that are worthy of research. This research looked at newwords extracted and selected through new-words research projects ...
  • Mikyung Bong; HUIJAE YU (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2020-05)
    This study aims to show the process of revising an elementary Korean dictionary using the case of Yonsei Korean elementary dictionary. As the governmental curriculum changes throughout the years, it is crucial for the ...
  • An, Ye-lee (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2018-05)
    As a modern academic discipline, home economics was introduced into Korea from the West through Japan and China, and the translation of home economics textbooks in the first half of the 20th century shows highly interesting ...
  • 이승재 (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2012-12)
    The aim of this study is to point out the restrictions of paper dictionaries and find out the new developmental solution of building knowledgebase corresponds with 21C. Computer and corpus rendered great services to lexico- ...
  • Yun Eunjeong; Park Yune Bae (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2013-11)
    This study aimed to select the physics terminology that used to be taught in science classroom. Using empirical linguistics method, we explored that how much consistent the terms used in science textbooks, especially 'force ...
  • Kim Jinhee; Han, Seungkyu (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2012-12)
    금기와 금지 상황은 인류 보편적으로 나타나지만 관습적이며 생활양식에 따라 다르게 나타나기 때문에 각 언어권, 문화권마다 다르게 나타날 수 있다. 그렇기 때문에 한국의 언어와 문화를 접하는 외국인들은 한국 사회와 한국인의 금기로 인해 의도하지 않은 문화적실패를 경험할 수 있다. 또한 소위 금기어로 불려온 기피어에 대해한국어 학습자들은 금기어에 대한 교육 자료의 한계로 적절한 어휘학습을 하기 ...
  • Park, Jonghoo (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2024-11)
    이 글은 2023년 일본의 언어학자인 마치다 아키라(町田章)가 쓴 『AI時代に言語学の存在意味はあるのか?-認知文法の思考法(AI 시대에 언어학의 존재 의미는 있는가?-인지문법의 사고법)』을 대상으로 그 내용을 소개하는 서평이다. 앞으로 본격적으로 도래할 AI 시대에 앞서 이론언어학과 외국어로서의 한국어교육의 가치를 재확인하고 그 방향성을 모색하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이 책에서 는 앞으로의 AI ...
  • Yoo, Gwanghoon; Jee-Sun NAM (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2017-11)
    This study proposes a Sentiment Analysis of Airbnb users' reviews of Jeju Island (Korean tourist attraction) based on DECO Korean dictionary and Local Grammar Graphs(LGGs). As a result of classification utilizing ...
  • Soeun Yun; Jee-Sun NAM (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2020-11)
    This study aims to introduce a methodology for building a Korean learners’ inflectional dictionary that overcomes the limitations of the existing approaches based on the frequent inflectional patterns in corpus. In this ...
  • Jung, Hae-Yun (The Linguistic Science Society, 2015-06)
    This study examines how forms of address are dealt with in French-Korean and Korean-French dictionaries (respectively, Dong-a’s Prime dictionnaire français-coréen (불한사전), Nouveau dictionnaire coréen-français (새한불사전)) and ...
  • Nguyen Van Khang (Academy of Asian Studies, Dankook University, 2018-04)
    Hànzì(Han script:汉字) was not only one of the official written characters of the Vietnamese language, but also the basis for the formation of Nom script(a type of Vietnamese people’s typography). This article presents some ...
  • 김소연; Koh Seung-Hui; SEUNG MI CHEON; Jee-Sun NAM; Park, Seyoung (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2008-04)
  • Choi, Woonho; Kim keonhee (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2024-11)
    이 글에서는 ‘하다/되다/시키다/당하다’와 결합하는 서술성명사(기능성명사)가 <현대한국어동사구문사전>과 <우리말샘> 사전에서는 어떤 양상으로 처리되고 등재되는지, 사전의 표제어 등재 양상을 밝히고 나아가 말뭉치에서도 분포를 추출하여 그 내용을 체계적으로 분석하였다. 첫째, 서술성명사와 ‘하다/되다/시키다/당하다’의 결합 양상에 대한 두 사전의 등재 편차가 크다. <현대한국어동사구문사전>에서는 ...
  • Kyo Kageura (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2020-11)
    본 논문에서는 어휘 정보를 무제한으로 검색할 수 있고 온라인 MT 이용이 자유로운 시대에서의 사전의 위치와 역할에 대하여 논의하였다. 온라인에서의 어휘 검색은 그 기능의 규모와 시의성 측면에서 종이 사전이 가진 제약을 없애 줄 것이라는 주장이 종종 제기되곤 한다. 여기서는 이러한 주장이 사전과 사전 사용자에 대한 제한적인 이해에 기초하여 제기되는 주장인 것으로 보았다. 전통적인 종이 사전에서 ...
  • Sin-hye Nam; Kim, Sun-hye (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2019-11)
    The purpose of this study is to identify the grammatical aspects of ‘kactaka’ and to classify them into detailed items according to their syntactic and semantic characteristics. Through this, ‘kactaka’ was classified into ...
  • 송현주; Choi Jun; Nam, Kilim (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2012-12)
    The purpose of this study is to introduce the procedure and issues on headword and definition for everyday vocabulary on Gaebanghyeong-Hangugeo-Jisik-Daesajeon(The Open Korean Knowledge Dictionary). We have worked for ...
  • Kang-Chun So; Lee Raeho; 주경미 (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2012-12)
    The aim of this thesis is to introduce the principles of the entries selection and its procedure of new word department into the Gaebanghyeong-Hangugeo-Jisik-Daesajeon and the problems that arise during their entry selection ...
  • EunJu Kwen (The Korean Association For Lexicography (Korealex), 2012-12)
    The present day is the knowledge-based society. For this reason, the collection,accumulation, reference and utilization of information that based on high-technology in intellectual activity of human is necessary. Under ...

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