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Browsing by Subject "Photography"

Browsing by Subject "Photography"

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  • shin yeon ha; Kisang Ryu (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2024-03)
    본 연구는 1인 문화예술 수용자 프로그램 효과를 분석하여 문화예술 수용대상자에 대한 다양한 접근 방법과 프로그램 개발에 객관적 자료를 제공하는데 그 연구 목적을 두고 있다. 연구 결과를 도출하기 위해 ‘진심대면’ 프로젝트에 참여했던 문화 수용인들의 질적분석과 문화예술에 관심이 있는 자를 대상으로 실증분석을 하였다. 유효한 설문지 110부를 SPSS 23.0 통계 프로그램을 이용하여 빈도분석, ...
  • Kim dae wook; park, si-chan (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2020-11)
    In 2012, In-hee Lee and one other conducted a study to advance the Department of Photography according to the changing environment of the entrance examination. As a result, the reduction of the photography department was ...
  • PARK JI EUN (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2019-04)
    demand in the Arts & Culture Education and also, required to train professional personnel in the Arts & Culture Education as well. The purpose of this study was to examine Arts & Culture Education Instructor System and its ...
  • 양동민; Lee, Yong-Hwan (The Society Of Korean Photography, 2015-02)
    This paper seeks to study whether a captured 4K image can realize a dynamic range as wide as a RAW file of a photograph and measure the image’s color intensity. In case of photograph, a Q-14 chart was shot at normal exposure, ...
  • KIM SEONG HA (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2024-09)
    생성형 AI의 등장은 예술과 기술의 경계에 대한 논쟁을 다시 촉발시키고 있다. 독일의 사진가 보리스 엘닥센이 생성 AI로 만든 작품이 국제 사진전에서 대상을 수상했지만, 그가 이를 거부하며 이 논쟁은 더욱 가속화되었다. 엘닥센은 AI가 생성한 이미지를 "프롬프토그래피(Promptography)"라 명명하며, 사진과의 구분을 주장하고 논의의 필요성을 제기하였다. 본 연구는 AI 시대를 맞아 예술의 ...
  • Yuetong Li; Kim, Kyung-Hee (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2023-11)
    본 논문은 신디 셔먼의 <무제 영화 스틸> 작품에 나타나는 미디어 리얼리티를 탐구하는 것이 목적이다. 대중매체의 급속한 발전으로 미디어 진실성은 보편적 관심사가 되었다. 사진술을 활용하여 순간을 포착하는 신디 셔먼은 카메라 앞에서 현실을 포착하는 것처럼 보인다. 하지만 그녀는 모방과 전유라는 연극성을 이용하여 '크로스 미디어 언어'로 확장하면서 대중들에게 이미지적 내러티브를 제공한다. ...
  • Xuan-Ye, Luo; Lee Sang Eun (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2023-04)
    This article tries to reveal the hidden visual cultural mechanism and power embodiment behind the image recording behavior of Roosevelt government agencies through the analysis and research of "The Forgotten Man” photos ...
  • 배가람; Jong-Woo Joo (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2023-07)
    선천적인 성격기질을 나타내는 MBTI에 따라 보이는 이미지가 다르다는 선행연구를 바탕으로 본 연구는 MBTI가 소셜미디어 플랫폼 인스타그램에서 본인을 대표하는 이미지인 프로필사진에 MBTI 유형마다나타나는 차이점이 있다고 예상하여 그 상관관계에 대해 알아보고자 한다. 인간의 성격 유형을 16개로 분류하고 있는 MBTI와 소셜미디어 플랫폼 인스타그램은 오늘날 많은 사람들로부터 꾸준한 관심을 받아 ...
  • 이상화; Sijoon An (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2021-07)
    The use of film cameras sharply declined, and drastically declined as the number of Internet users increased from the popularization of cameras in the 1900s to the multimedia enhancements of personal computers due to the ...
  • Choi Woo (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2019-07)
    and photographs it and edits it and shapes it. It attempts to give form and pattern to the complex of direct observation. The roots of documentary are in what can be called “reality”. However, actuality is submitted to the ...
  • 최은주; Kyungwoo Chun (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2021-11)
    Family is the reason and purpose of life for many people. But for some, the family could be a group that you can force the ideal role of a family member and constantly demands duty and sacrifice. My experience of a personal ...
  • Jong-Woo Joo (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2023-04)
    This study aims to enhance the role of photographs as a historical record and a tool for the restoration of cultural heritage by improving the scientific analysis process of photographs. Although photographs are crucial ...
  • Pyung-jong Park (The Society Of Korean Photography, 2022-08)
    Abstract This study aims to examine the artistic potential and potential of images created by an artificial intelligence algorithm through 'miscalculation'. GAN is a generative model that is optimized to create fake images ...
  • Jang, Seon phil; Son, Yong Ho (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2023-11)
    이 연구는 고서화에 찍힌 도장 이미지를 효과적으로 추출하는 촬영 방법에 관한 연구이다. 도장 이미지 중 글자 위에 찍힌 도장의 경우 검은 글자로 인해 추출과 판독을 어렵다. 이는 글자 위에 찍힌 붉은 인주의 명도와 채도를 떨어뜨리는 효과를 가져와 추출에 방해요소로 작용한다. 이를 위해 촬영시 가장 효과적으로 도장을 추출할 수 있는 방법에 관한 연구로 도장과 바탕의 글자가 가진 농도와 색상의 ...
  • Kim dae wook (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2019-04)
    advertising and information will be provided for the first individual. It is possible to provide advertisements synchronized with big data or user location, gender, and information based on the information, to experience ...
  • youjin sang; Lee Jongkeun (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2023-07)
    Artificial intelligence technology has developed rapidly in recent years, and has been prominent in various fields of society. AI is no longer only considered in engineering and medicine, and it has a lot of influence on ...
  • Zhengda Pu; Sijoon An (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2023-04)
    Minimalism emerged in the 1960s after World War II. This was influenced by environmental factors such as economic collapse and social culture after World War II. As a proposition expressing the characteristics of minimalism ...
  • Sim, HyunJun; Choi Jong In (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2021-07)
    The expression method of advertising photos is the work of systematically and rationally structuring expression elements so that advertising messages can be effectively delivered to consumers. By analyzing case studies and ...
  • Kim dae wook; Jongwoo Joo (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2014-07)
    Through the development of commercial photography the rubric, the objective assessment tool developed. As a kind of rating tables, commercial photography rubric can be maintained objective assessment. Assessment methods ...
  • Kim dae wook (The Society Of Modern Photography & Video, 2020-11)
    There was a longing for ideation and creativity at all times. Depending on the times, it was considered sacred or it was treated as a product of geniuses. Since research on creative ideas is based on complex humans, the ...

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