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Browsing by Author "Kyung-Mun Kang"

Browsing by Author "Kyung-Mun Kang"

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  • 최용준; Kyung-Mun Kang; Hyung-Ho Park (The Microelectronics And Packaging Society, 2014-03)
    The direct-patternable SnO2 thin film was successfully fabricated by photochemical metal-organic deposition. The composition and chemical bonding state of SnO2 thin film were analyzed by using X-ray photoelectron ...
  • Yue Wang; Kyung-Mun Kang; Minjae Kim; Hyung-Ho Park (The Korean Ceramic Society, 2019-05)
    The intrinsic oxygen-vacancy defects in ZnO have prevented the preparation of p-type ZnO with high carrier concentration. Therefore, in this work, the effect of the concentration of H2O2 (used as an oxygen source) on the ...
  • Minjae Kim; Kyung-Mun Kang; Yue Wang; Akendra Singh Chabungbam; Dong-eun Kim; Hyung Nam Kim; Hyung-Ho Park (The Microelectronics And Packaging Society, 2022-06)
    One of the most promising emerging technologies for the next generation of nonvolatile memory devices based on resistive switching (RS) is the resistive random-access memory mechanism. To date, RS effects have been found ...
  • Yong-June Choi; Kyung-Mun Kang; Hyung-Ho Park (The Microelectronics And Packaging Society, 2014-06)
    The thickness dependent electrical, structural, and optical properties of ZnO films grown by atomic layerdeposition (ALD) at various growth temperatures were investigated. In order to deposit ZnO films, diethylzinc ...
  • Kyung-Mun Kang; Wang Yue; KIM MINJAE; Hong-Sub Lee; Hyung-Ho Park (The Microelectronics And Packaging Society, 2019-06)
    원자층 증착법(ALD: atomic layer deposition)으로 150oC에서 성장된 zinc oxide (ZnO) 초박막의 두께 변화에따른 구조적, 전기적, 광학적 특성을 조사하였다. ZnO 박막을 증착하기 위해 금속 전구체와 반응물로 각각 diethylzinc와deionized water를 사용하였다. ALD 사이클 당 성장률은 150 oC에서 약 0.21 nm/cycle로 일정 ...
  • SON KI HUN; Kyung-Mun Kang; Hyung-Ho Park; Hong-Sub Lee (The Microelectronics And Packaging Society, 2020-03)
    원자층 증착법(ALD: atomic layer deposition)으로 성장된 ZnO n-type 산화물 반도체를 이용하여 three terminal memristor (memtransistor) 소자를 제작하여 습도에 따른 그 특성을 관찰하였다. 40 nm 두께의 ZnO 박막을 이용하여channel width 70 μm, length 5 μm, back gate 구조의 memtransistor ...
  • Dong-eun Kim; Geonwoo Kim; Kyung-Mun Kang; Akendra Singh Chabungbam; Hyung-Ho Park (The Microelectronics And Packaging Society, 2023-09)
    투명 전도성 산화물(TCO)를 대체할 수 있는 대표적인 물질로 알려진 ZnO는 3.37 eV의 bandgap과 60 meV의exciton binding energy를 가진 반도체 물질이다. 본 연구에서는 투명 전극으로 사용하기 위한 높은 전기적 특성을 확보하기 위해 원자층 증착법을 기반으로 양이온과 음이온의 단일 및 이중 도핑에 따라 성장한 ZnO 박막을 제작하였다. 3가 양이온 Al, Ga과 ...

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